# MMGen address file
# This file is editable.
# Everything following a hash symbol '#' is a comment and ignored by MMGen.
# A text label of 40 characters or less may be added to the right of each
# address, and it will be appended to the tracking wallet label upon import.
# The label may contain any printable ASCII symbol.
# Address data checksum for 98831F3A-LTC-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011]: FF1C 7939 5967 AB82
# Record this value to a secure location.
98831F3A LTC:BECH32 {
  1     ltc1qdvgqsz94ht20lr8fyk5v7n884hu9p7d8k9easu
  31    ltc1qklxjhya6l2crr23scuc3nkj75jgrzkvu6ny4xg
  32    ltc1q7px9e3t7ea34v7kfkyydxw9tfz4cc8lt6vwhls
  33    ltc1q05kdlzkhsd0pwhn95judzft47yh86pnn4wnlv3
  500   ltc1q3tpnvrsxufy64gk4cawkv0pywsqdfe5n0u3jkv
  501   ltc1qe4ld3cx7vedyncrjma4d4r2ghyqpskrl0k8va5
  1010  ltc1qz735v90hegttpzp6zl4xzn63tyys9hlesfl6nm
  1011  ltc1qkc69d3x2rne6lgyfzeg4afdpdgcgfrm9q4axul